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Christian Fournier, 14 square de Port Royal 75013 Paris tel +33 06 60 94 33 80
E-mail : photo@prisedevue.com

Page 18 : 1992, Je fais des stages photo technique avec Dean Collins, grand maître de la nouvelle photo à San Francisco et avec Jean Paglioso pour la mode à Santa Fe.

Michele West, si féminine, si classe.
Michèle West at Sans Souci Hotel, near Ocho Rios Jamaica, around 1984.
As Andy Novis said: "So delicate, so feminine".

Je suis l'un des assistants de Dean Collins en 1992 à San Diego sur,
entre autres : "Heavenly Porsche",

Aidant à créer une chaîne de montagnes, du brouillard et à construire un lac en studio autour d'une Porsche avec de grandes sources d'éclairage. Dean Collins, malheureusement décédé d'un cancer en 2005, est l'un des plus grands professeurs d'éclairage et photographes commerciaux de l'histoire.

With a combination of wit and the ability to reduce complicated concepts to workable solutions, Dean Collins was the Dean of photographic instruction. God of Lighting, Lighting Rock Star, the late great Dean Collins has been called many things, and all of them point to the fact that he knew light better than, perhaps, anybody else you’ve ever studied under.

Collins, born in 1953 in Oceanside and a 1970 graduate of Vista High School, was renowned for his lighting and camera techniques as well as educational videos and seminars.

Upon hearing of the death, Roger Daines, president of the Professional Photographers of California, posted a Web site message recognizing Collins as his mentor and writing that Collins "was to photography like Edison was to electricityóó a creator and innovator."

In his early 20s, Collins began giving lectures in lighting and technique after starting his professional career at Dunlap-Tierney Studies in Los Angeles County. He subsequently spent several years in Europe learning in advanced commercial photo studios.

Much of his work focused on controlling light and understanding its behaviour in capturing images. In the early 1980s, he and a partner founded Finelight Publishing and refined the publishing of photo lighting materials.

In 1990, he began experimenting in electronic imaging, leading to a close association with Adobe Systems. Collins' company,Software Cinema, now produces a variety of training resources for Adobe's Photoshop software program.

"He passed those on to photographers worldwide who laud him for helping them open their eyes," Whitehouse said.

Collins always displayed a keen wit and engaging style when conducting a seminar, Whitehouse and Harrison said.

"He was dynamic and charismatic and very funny," she said. "Some people keep their inner music inside. He let his music out his entire life."

Collins' work included production of catalogues, corporate photography and portraits of the rich and famous, including late President Ronald Reagan, the Washington Redskins football team and other professional athletes.

"From the day they gave him his first camera, he just became absolutely obsessed," Kip Collins said. "He was an incredibly busy guy who lectured all over the world and was very free with his knowledge and about his photography."

Collins was recently awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Professional Photographers of America and held an honorary degree from Brooks Institute of Photography.

Séances photo : Helen, Michèle West, Karen, Petra Lindblad (top modèle photographiée aussi par Peter Linbberg), Barbara.

Jean Pagliuso began her career in photography in 1969, quickly rising within the field of fashion photography. Her 30-year career as a fashion photographer broadened to include collaborations with the film director Robert Altman, as well as Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, and Disney. In the mid-nineties she departed from her earlier commercial and fashion work and began to experiment with different alternative printing processes, including photogravure.

A frame and a P42 canvas with EC-1 clamps which allow orientation in all directions.

As far as modifiers go, Dean use his own scrims made of translucent ripstop nylon to create large banks of soft light. In fact, in the 1980’s, he manufactured and sold these lighting panels, including the P42, so named because it was 42 square feet (6×7 feet). Dean preferred these panels because they were infinitely more flexible than softboxes because you could vary the distance betwee

Among the multiple possibilities of Lightform

Two Lightform P22 with white canvases, one transparent with a cobra flash, the other reflective, in a deserted house on Stone Island in Mexico

Richard Avedon : "Un portrait photographique est l'image d'une personne qui sait qu'elle est photographiée. Une séance de pose est un échange d'émotion, l'image surgit de la rencontre de ces émotions."

Del Mar Fair, Californie.

Helen en Jamaïque


Nikon F3


Barbara aux Bahamas

Joddie près de Monte Carlo


Je photographie Petra Lindblad, célèbre mannequin top modèle internationale, en studio à Hollywood, en 1993 pour le magazine Photography International qui paraît en couverture en 1994 et aussi sur celle de Amateur Photographer en 1996.
Petra a été aussi photographiée, entre autres, par le célèbre photographe allemand Peter Lindbergh pour le magazine Vogue. Il rencontrera Peter Lindberg en 1997, dans sa maison rue de Savoie à Paris, pour lui donner des cours d'introduction au numérique via Spéos International photography school, et aussi en 2016 lors d'une séance de dédicaces chez Taschen.

Merci à Nigel Atherton pour la publication "Amateur Photographer".

Non, je n'ai pas mis le feu aux palmiers. Ils étaient déjà en feu et j'en ai profité (du feu).

Elen in Little San Salvador, Bahamas, deserted island owned by Norwegian Caribbean Line (Cruise Line) around 1984

Elen à Little San Salvador, Bahamas, île déserte appartenant à Norwegian Caribbean Line (compagnie de croisière) vers 1984

Jacquie Roussos.

Cette photo a été prise le matin de la mort de John Lennon.
J'ai vu l'original le 04 dec 2021 à l'éxposition d'Annie Leibovitz à L'Académie des Beaux-Arts.

On December 8, 1980, Annie Leibovitz took the most iconic photograph in rock ’n’ roll history. Shot for Rolling Stone.
John Lennon, the former, late Beatles singer is nude, curled in a fetal position around his wife. Eyes closed, he kisses her cheek and frames her head with his arm.
Hours after Leibovitz took her tender Polaroid, a jealous former security guard named Mark David Chapman fatally shot Lennon outside his building, the Dakota, on New York’s Upper West Side. When Rolling Stone published Leibovitz’s photograph on its January 22, 1981, cover, Ono was a widow and the world was mourning the legendary rock star. The picture ultimately documented the celebrity couple’s last hours together, and perhaps a depiction of their final kiss. In 2019, it still stands as one of history’s greatest images of both love and loss.

Les capteurs photo et les possibilités web avant 2005 étaient horribles,
par rapport à maintenant (2023). 40 Ko max par images. Mes mises en ligne à cette période étaient donc mauvaises. Je les remplace petit à petit. C'est long. Merci de votre indulgence.

Commande recherche

Dû à des manips entre prisedevue.com, prisedevue.photos et famousphotographer.com,
il se peut que des liens soient brisés. Désolé. J'y travaille !


Peu de photographes ont le courage de mettre en ligne toutes leurs photos au quotidien, je le fais car je montre ainsi que quoi qu'il arrive, dans tous les domaines, je fais toujours de belles photos pour mes clients. Si vous comprenez toute la logistique nécessaire à toutes ces missions (devis, préparations, matériel, transports, embouteillages, sécurité, etc.), vous voyez que je suis un photographe qui assure.

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E-mail = photo@prisedevue.com

Propriété intellectuelle Copyright 2023 Christian Fournier.
Tous droits réservés. L’ensemble des textes, photographies, graphes, fichiers son, fichiers vidéo et fichiers animation fait l’objet d’une protection au titre du droit de la propriété littéraire et artistique et en vertu d’autres lois sur la protection de la propriété intellectuelle. Leur reproduction, leur modification et leur utilisation sur d’autres sites web sont interdites.

La plupart des photos que vous voyez sur mon site sont à vendre.
Je reste à votre entière disposition pour tous renseignements complémentaires.

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