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Page 14: June 1979 to Mars 1980: Freelance photographer in England and Photographer/Filmmaker at ClubMed in Corfu, Greece.

My dream was starting to come true. Some people (God bless them) paid me to do what I love to do the most.
Okay, well, within certain limits anyway: the photograph had to be good enough to please them. I learned professionalism.

My businesscard to attract clients.

My definition of a good photo? = One which satisfies my client.

I’m channeling Lucien Clergue

An example of black-and-white film plane, here in Lake District in England, circa 1974.
Note the notches on the upper right which let you find the emulsion side in total darkness.

Lucien Clergue in 1999.
Throughout my 20 years, his books “La Camargue” (Camargue, a region in South-East France) and “Née de la vague” (Born from the Wave) had both impressed me.

Lucien Clergue was a French Photographer, born the 14th of August 1934 in Arles, deceased the 15th of November 2014 in Nîmes.
In 1949 he learned the rudiments of photography. In 1953, during a bullfight in the Arles arenas, he shaped destiny by placing his photos under the nose of Pablo Picasso. Picasso was captivated and asked to see more. For more than a year and a half, the young Clergue worked with the goal of sending photos to Picasso and to feed his curiosity.
It was during this period that, parallel with “charognes” (The Scavengers), he created the series “Saltimbanques” or “La grande recreation”.
The 4th of November 1955, for the first time, Lucien Clergue went to Cannes to visit Picasso, who welcomed him with open arms. Their friendship would last for almost 30 years, ending with Picasso’s death in 1973. The book “Picasso mon ami” (Picasso my friend) retraces the important moments of their relationship.
In Baux-de-Provence, Arles Meetings, in 1975. In 1968, he founded, along with his friend Jean-Maurice Rouquette, the conservator of the Museums of Arles, as well as with the writer Michel Tournier, the first beginnings of the International Photography Conferences which would become the Arles Meetings and which would be held each year in Arles in July. He invited to these meetings the most famous photographers from the United States (Ansel Adams, André Kertesz, Robert Mapplethorpe…), and from Japan (Eikoh Hosoe)… They would give the first « Photography Workshop » in Arles.
Lucien Clergue worked tirelessly to ensure that photography was recognized as an art, independent from and as important as painting, engraving, or sculpture. He would succeed by becoming the Minister of Culture, then by contributing to the creation of the École Nationale Supérieure (Higher National School) of Photography in Arles in 1982…

Lake District

Alright, I won’t make you guess, no one ever gets it right. It is a railroad track, a crosstie with a nut and bolt and a cigarette butt. It is better without the watermark, but I have no choice since it’d get stolen otherwise. I guess I understand, it’s such a good photo.

I still paint on my slides.

December 26 1979
Dear Robert Noirel.
I agree, it’s a bit late, but better late than never. It’s not my fault, my life is chuck-full and hard at the moment.
My stuff is dispersed at the homes of my various parents and I never seem to have the right thing at the right spot, yet I finally managed to print this slide you wanted and send it to you.
Next to you, I think, is Régis Peschot with the sink bag on his head.
How are you? How did your return to freedom go? Have you risen from the murky depths of absurdity?
It hasn’t gone very well for me. I think the French army destroyed my nerves. When they finally let me go, I felt down, I was depressed, having lost my enthusiasm, efficiency, tenacity, and especially my initiative.
I came back to England with my head down, not a penny to my name, jobless and homeless. My friends and my girlfriend had evolved, prospered, where I had regressed. So I also found myself alone.
So I had to start from zero, without any energy, three dead-end jobs in a row and finally an interesting gig that I’ll start at the beginning of January: I’ll be a photographer on cruiseships in the Caribbean. Sea, sex, and sun. Decent pay and quite respectable.
So for now I feel okay.
But it was difficult and all for nothing. I’ve really missed my joyful and free-spirited life before the army.
Soon I’ll be able to get English citizenship and once I do I plan on publishing my reports on the scam that is the French National Service. I can’t stay quiet before such a farce.
I had the chance to see that you’re not stupid and that your ideas have courage. So let’s not lose contact, alright?
So Happy Easter.Christian FOURNIER

I also worked as a Photographer/Filmmaker at ClubMed in Corfu, Greece.
Y'avait du soleil et des nanas, da la dirla dada. (There was sun and women).

C'est un club de vacances, où l'on paie avec des perles que l'on porte en collier et où on bénéficie d'une succession d'animations et des loisirs partagés, gérés par des "gentils organisateurs" pour les "gentils membres".

Il était implanté dans un site remarquable de 26 hectares dans la baie d'IPSOS en Grèce.
Le village de Corfou a été ouvert en 1952. Le site découvert par Gérard Blitz, était une propriété d’une beauté exceptionnelle avec des arbres et des cyprès bordant la route d'accès à la plage. D'abord village de tentes, c'est en 1954 que les fameuses cases polynésiennes ont été mises en place et y resteront jusqu'à la fermeture…
Le village a compté jusqu’à 700 cases toutes avec éclairage dans les dernières années et se répartissait sur 4 quartiers, les cases avaient des noms différents (poissons, village du club…)
On y trouvait 2 restaurants. Le restaurant principal ainsi qu'un restaurant typique appelé aussi la bergerie située en haut du village, qui servait aussi de discothèque…
Ipsos c'était le village du ski nautique avant tout. Mais aussi ces célèbres pique-niques….
15 courts de tennis situées à l'arrière du village, un terrain de foot et de rudby (le seul au club) le fitness…
Village adulte, une légende du club (parfois les Bronzé étaient parmi nous…)
De la disco bar, au crazy party aux sanitaires ou sur la plage…
Le village a fermé en 2003. Le légendaire village du club n'existait plus….
La clientèle était Française, Italienne, Belge, Suisse.
Periklis Lascaris.

Les Bronzés est un film français écrit et interprété par la troupe du Splendid, réalisé par Patrice Leconte et sorti le 22 novembre 1978.
Le scénario du film est une parodie des clubs de vacances du type Club Méditerranée écrite par la troupe du Splendid.
Les Bronzés remporte un succès correct à sa sortie en salles (2,2 millions d'entrées) et devient, au fil du temps, un classique du cinéma populaire français.

Lorraine Olsen from Canada.

Bettina Lackfiel

Linda Winnard

Les filles : Linda, Ute, Anne-Marie

Bettina Lackfiel

Lorraine, moi, Ute, Linda Anne-Marie, ...


A different era. C'était une autre époque.

La tendance était, à l'époque, topless. Est-ce encore comme ça de nos jours en 2021 ?

2017 : Les seins nus, ça ne se fait plus. (Breasts that are bare have become rare)
Article by Marc Payet, LeParisien, 15/08/04.
Today you can count on one hand the women who dare to walk around topless. If you ask them, tanning with bare breasts has become unfashionable. They discuss it shamelessly, as though talking about some antique to be put away on a shelf in the museum for vestimentary practices of old.

The 1980s ad titled « Tomorrow I take my top off » no longer matches up this summer’s beach fashion.
La pub des années 1980 intitulée « Demain j'enlève le haut » ne correspond plus au look des plages cet été.
A matter of fashion
“ We’ve got nothing to prove,” explains Jenny, 18, a student from Yerres (Essonne), wearing a pretty two-piece swimsuit. “That’s how we see it. We don’t take our tops off on the beach. Except for really young girls,” adds her friend Jessica from Nice. It doesn’t bother them if their breasts aren’t tanned.
19-year-old Bineta is categorical. “Really, it’s not done anymore”. Céline, 20, agrees that “these days it’s mostly mothers who show their breasts on the beach.”
« On n'a rien à prouver », explique Jenny, 18 ans, étudiante, venant de Yerres (Essonne), qui arbore un joli maillot deux-pièces. « On le ressent comme ça. On n'ôte pas le haut sur la plage. Sauf les filles vraiment très jeunes », ajoute sa copine Jessica, de Nice. Ne pas avoir les seins bronzés ne les dérange pas.
Belonging to another generation, Sandrine, 35, in a two-piece swimsuit, remarks that « the topless trend was much more popular before, at a time when Frenchwomen wanted to copy the Germans. » Even she, while laughing, admits that she has never “felt quite at ease in that outfit”, and that she is glad that fashion has changed…
Anita, 37, from Fougères (Ille et Villaine), fan of the bikini, smiles and notes that “after 30 you start to settle down a bit. You start to think more about your health, about the risk of cancer due to the sun’s rays on the delicate skin of the breasts.” She finds it funny to think back on being 18, where she took her top off “clearly just to seduce the boys”.
And what about “the boys”? What do they think?
Amused by the question, Jean-Marc, having come from Toulouse with his wife Christelle, is somewhat surprised. “Maybe the times are a bit more prudish, yet when you see the thongs that are in fashion today, it seems a bit contradictory,” he says, perplexed. Laughing uproariously, his wife confirms that the disappearance of bare breasts is nothing more or less than a matter of fashion.
“Magazines nowadays are advertising one-piece swimsuits or 1960’s Ursula Andress style bikinis, with rhinestones. That’s what’s really sexy!”
On the water’s edge, Marie, 28, and Sandrine, 33, both from Lyon, come to the defence of the bare breast. “I feel good bare-breasted. I don’t hesitate at all. I find it natural, » explains Sandrine. « I don’t like having a swimsuit tanline. But I put it back on in the water, » Marie adds.

This near-complete disappearance of the « sea, sex, and sun » symbol of the ‘70s and early ‘80s, popularized by Club Med and the movie « les Bronzés », has become a topic of interest for sociologists.
Janine Mossuz-Lavau, author of many works of reference on French sexuality, has her own idea about the matter. “Today, most young women, whether right or wrong, feel like they are sexually liberated. They no longer need to don this ostensible sign which was the mark of their freedom at the time. As a consequence, even those who would like to go topless might hesitate for fear of being the only ones”.

Extrait du "Parisien" 2017, par Marc Payet

24x36mm slides : no longer fashionable today, either.

For slides, it was custom at the time to give all the best photos to the client.
Copies were very expensive and of poor quality.

Optical illusion for men : Stare at the photo for 30 seconds and a boat will start to appear.

The Rolling Stones

Sweet Black Angel"
Got a sweet black angel, Got a pin up girl, Got a sweet black angel, Up upon my wall. Well, she ain't no singer And she ain't no star, But she sure talk good, And she move so fast. But the gal in danger, Yeah, de gal in chains, But she keep on pushin', Would ya take her place? She countin' up de minutes, She countin' up de days, She's a sweet black angel, woh, Not a sweet black slave. Ten little niggers Sittin' on de wall, Her brothers been a fallin', Fallin' one by one. For a judges murder In a judges court, Now de judge he gonna judge her For all dat he's worth. Well de gal in danger, De gal in chains, But she keep on pushin' Would you do the same? She countin' up de minutes, She countin' up de days, She's a sweet black angel, Not a gun toting teacher, Not a Red lovin' school mom, Ain't someone gonna free her, Free de sweet black slave, Free de sweet black slave.

Carl Sagan (1934 – 1996) est un scientifique et astronome américain. Il est l'un des fondateurs de l'exobiologie. Il a mis en place le programme SETI de recherche d'intelligence extraterrestre. Il est aussi renommé pour son scepticisme.

Carl Sagan était professeur et directeur de laboratoire à l'Université Cornell et a contribué à la plupart des missions automatiques d'exploration spatiale du système solaire.

Il est également connu pour avoir coécrit un article annonçant les dangers de l'hiver nucléaire.
Pendant la première guerre du Golfe, Sagan a prédit que la fumée engendrée par les bombardements américains des puits et raffineries de pétrole irakiens entraînerait des conséquences proches de l'hiver nucléaire.

Sagan est surtout connu du grand public pour ses œuvres de vulgarisation scientifique. Il a écrit et raconté la série télévisée
Cosmos (treize épisodes vus par 10 millions de téléspectateurs) dans laquelle il développe, entre autres, un calendrier cosmique. Celui-ci sera souvent repris par la suite dans plusieurs livres et documentaires de vulgarisation de l'astronomie.

Sagan fut l'un des pères fondateurs d'un des groupes sceptiques américains, le Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, qui considère qu'
aucune preuve de l'existence du paranormal n'a été apportée à ce jour. Son ouvrage The Demon-Haunted World est considéré comme un classique du scepticisme scientifique.

The most incredible thing about Sagan is that he is nearly entirely unknown in France, even though he pretty much saved the planet by meeting Ronald Reagan and Gorbatchev during the time of the Cold War and the careless amassing of nuclear arsenals on each side. Sagan explained to them that they were akin to two warriors in a garage filled with gasoline threatening each other with a box of matches.

While flying from Los Angeles to Paris, when I returned to France in 1992, I experienced the same phenomenon of science fiction as in the movie "Yesterday" where suddenly the Beatles have never existed, with scientist Carl Sagan. When I landed in France he had never existed!

"Nous vivons dans une société dépendante des sciences et technologies dans laquelle presque personne ne connait les sciences et technologies."

Science teaches us to think rationally
He warned us in 1995

« Popularizing science—trying to make its methods and findings accessible to non-scientists—then follows naturally and immediately. Not explaining science seems to me perverse. When you’re in love, you want to tell the world. This book is a personal statement, reflecting my lifelong love affair with science. But there’s another reason: Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. » (from « The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (English Edition) » by Carl Sagan in 1995)

An amazing movie, to watch and to listen to, to watch and to listen to again.

Some LPs of my youth.

The writer I admire the most in all the world. His books have always been and to this day remain a great source of inspiration and entertainment.

Douglas Adams was born in 1952 in Cambridge, the son of a Theology student and a nurse. After a bunch of odd jobs such as a doorman in a psychiatric hospital, a chicken-coop cleaner or bodyguard, he enrolled at the University of Cambridge and tried to join the Footlights, the student comedy club at the origin of Monty Python.
From this period, he has kept in contact with Graham Chapman, whom he worked with for two years, and Terry Jones. He contributed to scriptwriting for the show Monty Python’s Flying Circus and even sometimes appeared as an extra.
At 25 years old, Douglas proposed a radio series to BBC called The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The first twelve episodes were aired on April 8 1978 and quickly became a cult classic. This success boosted Adams’ career and he became a producer for Radio 4 and script director and occasional scriptwriter for the series Doctor Who. In 1979, Doulgas Adams published the first volume of H2G2, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The series would be comprised of 5 volumes (the last one was published in 1992).

His love of music brought him to befriend many musicians (including David Gilmour, Pink Floyd guitarist). For his 42nd birthday, Doulgas received a very special birthday gift: he played two songs on the Earls Court stage with Pink Floyd!
Douglas Adams defined himself as a radical atheist. He showed great reverence for the theories of Charles Darwin, not unlike his friend Richard Dawkins.

Douglas Adams thought up the Internet, the iPad and the smartwatch in 1980.

I went to Douglas Adams's grave in Highgate cemetery, near London, in Agust 2016, to pay my respects. So long Douglas, and thanks for all the books. Just like Zaphod Beeblebrox, I think the third arm suits me.

Zaphod Beeblebrox, President of the Galaxy. Well, just this guy, you know...
"Zaphod Beeblebrox, adventurer, ex-hippy, bon vivant, (crook? Most likely), self-taught personal promoter, terribly bad at relationship, often considered completely "absent for lunch ". (From "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Complete Trilogy of the Five (English Edition)" by Douglas Adams)
"One of the major difficulties Trillian (his girlfriend, a scientist) encountered in his relationship with Zaphod was to discern:
- If he pretended to be stupid just to surprise others,
- If he pretended to be stupid because he did not want to get tired thinking and wanted someone else to do it.
- If he pretended to be very stupid to hide that he did not understand anything.
He was known to be incredibly intelligent and was clearly - but not all the time, which obviously worried him, hence his simulations.
He preferred people to be puzzled rather than contemptuous. This seemed to Trillian really stupid, but she could not discuss it anymore.

The Fake News from Paris Port Royal: a large bag of "Daim" from Ikea has been found nearly intact in a brand new trash can in a photo studio, apparently it has been there almost a week !
Ikea states that it is impossible and police says : “they are all liars at Port Royal".
Ikea paid Nasa for a test onboard the ISS in zero gravity: the "daims" disappeared in less than 24H. American, Russian and Chinese astronauts say they do not understand the phenomenon. An optical anomaly, like internal reflexions inside the port holes, scientists say, made brown stains to appear on the cosmonauts lips. Interviewed, Thomas Pesquet, who lived for 6 months in the ISS, refuses to comment. Hubert Reeves, stated that the entire trilogy of the 5 books by Douglas Adams should be reread with care for an explanation.
The French magazine "Que choisir" asked Dr Michel Cymes for a profond study on the hallucinogenic properties of "Daims".
The Mossad suggested that the American army asks the most powerful computer on earth, Sunway TaihuLight, which possesses 10,65 millions cores with a power of more than 93 petaflops per second, which has just been delivered in absolute secret by China for Donald Trump, who says he made a mistake, he just wanted to order hamburgers on Internet at Mac Do.
Sunway TaihuLight has been assembled by 25 000 Korean children, in one month and 12 days, in semi darkness, no wifi, to keep the secret. After several nanoseconds of reflexion, Sunway TaihuLight answered : 42. Hubert Reeves asked the Koreans, if the month's works was 30 or 31 days. Under torture by Xi Jinping, Hubert Reeves confessed that 30 + 12 = 42.
Text by Christian Fournier www.prisedevue.photos

Martine Franck :
"A photograph is a fragment of time that will never come back."

Sophie Marceau

Les filles des années 1980.

Some LPs of my youth.

Here are about 620 examples of my photographic event coverage since 1984, that is to say, 30 years. This is without counting those which my clients have requested that I do not show and photos that have been lost.

I know it's enormous.
No, I am not a photographic robot: my mother had me tested

This list begins with the compilations: Fashion & Models, Lingerie, Beauty, Makeup & Hair, Portraits, Events, Objects, Archi & Deco, Industry, Press, Celebrities, etc.

The sensors and web capabilities from 1995 to 2005 were horrible compared to now (2021). 40 KB max by images. My uploads at this time were therefore bad. I replace them little by little. It's long. Thank you for your indulgence.

Conclusion 1: I must not be bad, so that all these people trust me.
I have loyal customers, a sign that they are satisfied with my services. Examples: Tollens, MEDEF, Dior, GMF, Unesco, L'oréal, Anaé, Agefiph, Essilor, Genzyme, Embassy Ireland, The Advertisers Club, Garmin, VW, etc. ...

Conclusion 2: Thanks to all these varied clients (industry, wedding, corporate and personal portraits, press, events, objects, medical, culinary, diving, sports, pageants, etc. ..), I see extraordinary slices of life, confidential or public, trades and fabulous countries. I do feel very privileged. Real life, live. Thank you customers.

In rough estimation, I take 5,000 photos a week. 5,000 x 52 = 260,000 a year. For 35 years = 9,100,000 photos. Well, I would like to reach 10 million anyway!

Conclusion 3: Photography is my language

There is also a search command, not always up to date, but pretty comprehensive on all my reportages.

Due to manipulations between prisedevue.photos, prisedevue.photos and famousphotographer.com, some links may be broken. Sorry. I'm working on it !



Not many photographers have the courage to show their photos on a daily basis. I do it to show that in a wide range of photography, I always take good photos for my clients. Technical perfection and an obvious sensitivity. If you imagine the logistic necessary for these missions (estimates, preparations, equipment, transports in traffic jams, safety, etc.), you can see that I am a photographer who achieves results in all circumstances.

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013



Intellectual Copyright Property 2020 Christian Fournier.
All rights are reserved. All texts, photos, graphs, sound files and videos in this website are protected. Their reproduction, modification and uses on other web sites than those by Christian Fournier are strictly forbidden.

Most of the photos on my web site are for sale, except, of course, the ones for which I do not have the models or decor releases.

I am at your disposal for any query you may have.

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